
With bus from main train/bus station
Walk to “Bavarski dvor” and take Bus No. 6 or 6b [“Dolgi most” or “Vnanje gorice”] until stop “Hajdrihova”. There is a 3 min walk to the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics.

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From organized housing to the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Housing is organized in “Hostel Tabor” located in an attractive downtown location. The hostel is within walking distance of the train station. To reach the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, we recommend a short walk to the bus stop “Ajdovščina” and then continue with bus No. 6/6B to “Hajdrihova”. There is a 3 min walk to the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics.

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From airport to Ljubljana
From the Ljubljana Airport, you can take either bus to the Ljubljana main station or a shuttle. More info is available on the webpage .

University of Ljubljana
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Jadranska ulica 19
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Denis Golež
Matjaž Gomilšek